Our Way of Saying Thanks
Loyalty Program
Receive points for services and products purchased as well as bonus points for new services or products purchased or simply pre-booking your next appointment. You can then redeem them for a discount on future appointments!
How do I enroll?
Simply provide your email address after your first appointment. Points will then automatically be added to your account after each appointment or purchase.
1 point awarded for:
Each $20.00 in services you receive.
Each $20.00 in Retail you purchase.
For trying a new product or service.
Additional points:
1 additional point if your service sale is over $100.00
1 additional point if your retail purchase is over $50.00
2 additional points if you total sale (service & retail) is over $200.00
2 additional points for pre-booking you next appointment.
15 points for referring a new client to us. (we love referrals)
Points are awarded only after your appointment. Points can not be shared or transferred. Each client accumulates points separately. Large parties such as Wedding Parties are not eligible for referral points.
Color Haircut and Style $86.00 = 4pts
Retail Products Subtotal. $29.90 =1pt
Tried New service =1pt
Made next appointment = 2points
Total points for that appointment =8 pts.
For every 20 points you earn you receive $5.00 off your next service.